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ODLAA’s operations are governed by a constitution. Download a copy of the current ODLAA Constitution, which incorporates changes approved at the 2023 eAGM. 

Annual General Meeting

Each May all financial members of ODLAA are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting. At this meeting the members will receive an update on ODLAA’s activities over the previous 12 months and to find out plans for the next 12 months. Annual reports are presented at the meeting including the: 

  • President’s report
  • Journal editor’s report
  • Treasurer’s report
  • Auditor’s report

The full reports are available to members prior to the meeting via your member login. Previous reports are also available in the archive section of the site. At the AGM financial members can elect members to fill vacant positions on the Executive Committee.

Call for Nominations for ODLAA Executive positions

ODLAA is currently seeking nominations for the following positions on the ODLAA Executive Committee, which are being vacated at the AGM due to regulations of our constitution:  

  • President 
  • Secretary 
  • Treasurer 

Each position is for a 2-year period commencing immediately following the AGM to be held on 16th May, 2023.

If you would like to nominate for one of these positions, please email your nomination to the ODLAA executive officer at [email protected] and include the names of two (2) financial ODLAA members who have agreed to support your nomination  (If you need assistance with this, please contact one of the current ODLAA executive members.) 

Please use the following wording in your nomination: 

I would like to nominate for the position of ………………. on the executive of ODLAA. 

My nomination is supported by (name1, email 1) and (name 2, email 2) who are both current financial members of ODLAA. 

Please submit your nomination by no later than 4pm (AEDT) 10th April 2023.  If more than one valid nomination is received, then a ballot will be held in accordance with rule 5.4.3 of the constitution. If only one nomination is received for a position, then that person will be appointed following the conclusion of the eAGM.  If no nomination is received, then nominations will be called for during the eAGM. 

For further information about any of the positions or the nomination process, please contact the Executive Officer, Joanne Scott +61 2 6331 1415  or email: [email protected]

Find Out More about ODLAA

Who We Are
Our History
Executive Committee